Flu Shots/Beyfortus (RSV) Vaccine (Nov 2024)
Flu Shots
The best way to help protect yourself and others against the flu is to get the flu shot. The flu shot is safe and effective. The flu shot protects you from 3 or 4 different strains of influenza. Our office has both regular flu shots and high dose flu shots at this time (vaccine subject to availability). Please do not delay vaccination to wait for a particular flu shot.
If you are immunocompromised or on an immune-suppresant medication please speak with your doctor/specialist before booking an appointment.
we request - DESPITE public health messaging - that you do not use a walk-in clinic for this as your family doctor and not OHIP gets charged for your visit there.
Who is Eligible?
Anyone 6 months of age and older (Regular flu shot)
Pregnant individuals (Regular flu shot)
Adults 65 years of age and older (High dose flu shot)
BeyFortus (RSV vaccine) - for Babies
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a major cause of respiratory illness among infants and young children. Beyfortus has been shown to be safe and effective in preventing RSV related illnesses and hospitalization. Beyfortus can be given with other routine vaccines or anytime before or after other routine vaccines.
RSV Immunizations (Beyfortus) will be available to all babies born in 2024 at the Paediatric RSV Immunization Clinic at the Milton District Hospital starting November 18, 2024.
​we request - DESPITE public health messaging - that you do not use a walk-in clinic for this as your family doctor and not OHIP gets charged for your visit there.
Who is Eligible?
​ 1. All children born during the 2024-2025 RSV season
2. All children born in 2024 prior to the RSV season
3. Children up to 24 months of age with any of the following conditions:
a. Chronic lung disease of prematurity, including bronchopulmonary dysplasia
b. Hemodynamically significant congenital heart disease
c. Severe immunodeficiency
d. Down Syndrome / Trisomy 21
e. Cystic fibrosis with respiratory involvement and /or growth delay
f. Neuromuscular disease impairing clearing of respiratory secretions
g. Severe congenital airway abnormalities impairing clearing of respiratory secretions
Measles/MMR Vaccines (Mar 2024)
With the information from Halton Public Health about Measles cases linked to travel being on the rise we have received a number of inquires re: MMR vaccines. Current public health guidance allows for a booster dose for some people. We received a moderate sized shipment from Public Health that will be offered first-come first-serve.
If you are immunocompromised or on an immune-suppresant medication please speak with your doctor/specialist before booking an appointment.
we request - DESPITE public health messaging - that you do not use a walk-in clinic for this as your family doctor and not OHIP gets charged for your visit there.
Who is Eligible?
If you were born before 1970 and are unsure that you have had measles vaccination and do not believe you have had measles in your lifetime you are eligible for 1 dose of MMR
If you were born after 1970 you can check your immunization status HERE to see if you have received 2 doses. If you have had 2 doses no further booster is needed. If you have had only 1 dose or 0 doses you are eligible for MMR vaccination.
The above website is only for those vaccinated in Halton. If you received your vaccines in another public health unit please check with their local public health website for vaccine records.
if you are having difficulty checking the website you can call 311.
Children due for their regularly scheduled MMR vaccine at 12 months and MMRV at 4 years old will receive it as scheduled. We have reserved enough of our supply to meet this demand at present.
Children > 6 months who are travelling to an area with a measles outbreak can receive an earlier dose of MMR but they will still need to get the usual vaccines at 12 mo and 4 years old.
COVID and Influenza vaccines
Our clinic is not offering COVID-19 vaccines at this time. This winter (2023-2024) The National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) and the physicians at Trafalgar Medical Clinic are encouraging anyone over 5 years of age to double up on your vaccinations and get both the influenza and COVID-19 vaccines at the same time at your local pharmacy.
A limited number of influenza vaccines (including high dose) are available at our clinic. Please check our online booking to book with our flu clinics. We will open more flu clinics as we receive more doses.
For more information re: COVID-19 vaccination - see the halton website here.
Patients between 6 months of age and 4 years are still encouraged to get both sets of vaccines but will need to be mindful that not all locations are administering vaccines to this pediatric population.
COVID-19 booster doses are not yet approved in patients aged six months to four years.
COVID-19 booster doses are encouraged in patients as long as it has been at least six months since their last COVID-19 vaccine or since having had COVID-19.
Other Vaccinations
OHIP-Funded Vaccines
OHIP pays for many vaccines that keep us healthy throughout our life ages and stages. See here for a list of OHIP funded (and recommended) vaccines age 2 months to 65+
RSV vaccine
Health Canada has approved the first respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine for adults aged 60 and over. This is called Arexvy It is not OHIP covered.
There is a new RSV vaccine called Abrysvo that is approved for Pregnant Women between 32-35 wk GA - it is NOT AVAILABLE yet in Canada (estimated: Fall 2024)
Shingles Vaccine
Shingrix is a vaccine that helps to reduce the risk of shingles in patients aged 50+. 2 vaccines are given 2-6 months apart. It is 90% effective in preventing shingles. It may or may not be OHIP covered - ask your doctor for more information.
Meningitis B
There are 2 non-OHIP funded vaccines for meningitis B in children and adolescents (Bexsero and Trumenba) talk to your family doctor to learn more
Pneumococcal Vaccine
Pneumococcal vaccines are routinely given to adults aged 65 and older or 50+ with certain medical conditions. There are several vaccines authorized in Canada to prevent pneumococcal disease in adults. Talk to your doctor about which vaccine is recommended for you, based on your age, vaccine history and health status.
Other Vaccines
There are several other vaccines available. British Columbia has a great resource of the different vaccine options both recommended and optional for children and adults.